
来源:税屋 作者:税屋 人气: 时间:1995-08-04
摘要:豁免薪俸税[金融管理专员]令 香港  1995.8.4   第112K章 赋权条文   (第112章第87条)   〔1995年8月4日〕   (本为1995年第376号法律公告)   第112K章 第1条 薪俸税的豁免   (1)当其时根据《外汇基金条例》(第66章...


香港                                                     1995.8.4

  第112K章 赋权条文

  第112K章 第1条 薪俸税的豁免

  Cap 112K Empowering section
  (Cap 112, section 87)
  (4 August 1995)
  (L.N. 376 of 1995)

  Cap 112K s 1 Exemption from salaries tax
  (1) The person for the time being appointed as the Monetary Authority under section 5A(1) of the Exchange Fund Ordinance (Cap 66) and any person appointed under section 5A(3) of that Ordinance, being recipients of any benefit granted under any provident fund scheme to which the Monetary Authority is a party, shall be exempt from the payment of salaries tax chargeable in respect of the whole of that benefit for any year of assessment under section 8 of the Ordinance, subject to the conditions specified in subsection (3) being satisfied as regards that benefit.
  (2) This section shall apply to the years of assessment since, and including the year of assessment commencing on, 1 April 1993.
  (3) The conditions referred to in subsection (1) are that-
  (a) the circumstances under which the benefit is granted are the same as the circumstances under which a sum payable under a recognized occupational retirement scheme as defined in the Ordinance must be received or withdrawn in order to be excluded from the computation of income under the Ordinance;
  (b) the extent to which the benefit is excluded from the computation of income under the Ordinance does not exceed the extent to which a sum received under or withdrawn from such a recognized occupational retirement scheme is so excluded; and
  (c) any other condition or requirement specified in the Ordinance for excluding from the computation of income a sum received under or withdrawn from such a recognized occupational retirement scheme is complied with in respect of the granting of the benefit.
  (Enacted 1995)






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