应课税品[豁免数量]公告 2000年第244号法律公告

来源:税屋 作者:税屋 人气: 时间:2000-07-28
摘要:应课税品[豁免数量]公告 2000年第244号法律公告 2000.7.28   第109G章 赋权条文   (第109章,附属法例第12(1)(ea)条)   [2000年7月28日]   (本为2000年第244号法律公告)...


2000年第244号法律公告                                        2000.7.28

  第109G章 赋权条文

  第109G章 第1条 获豁免税款的饮用酒类及烟草的数量
  (i)无气葡萄酒750毫升;及 (2002年第18号第2条)
  (ii)香烟60支或雪茄15支或其他制成烟草75克。 (2002年第18号第2条)(3)有关乘客如─

  Cap 109G Empowering section
  (Cap 109 sub. leg., regulation 12(1)(ea))
  [28 July 2000]
  (L.N. 244 of 2000)

  Cap 109G s 1 Quantities of alcoholic liquor and tobacco exempted from duty
  (1) For the purpose of section 34A of the Ordinance and regulation 12(1)(ea) of the Dutiable Commodities Regulations (Cap 109 sub. leg.), alcoholic liquor and tobacco that is either-
  (a) imported for his own use and in his baggage by a passenger of any ship, aircraft, train or vehicle; or
  (b) bought for his own use by such passenger at a licensed warehouse located at any place approved by the Commissioner in the arrival area at an entry point in Hong Kong,shall be exempted from duty in accordance with this section.
  (2) In the case of a passenger who-
  (a) holds a Hong Kong identity card;
  (b) is of the age of 18 or above; and
  (c) has spent 24 hours or longer outside Hong Kong,alcoholic liquor and tobacco referred to in subsection (1) shall be exempted from duty to the extent of-
  (i) 750 millilitres of still wine; and (18 of 2002 s. 2)
  (ii) 60 cigarettes or 15 cigars or 75 grammes of other manufactured tobacco. (18 of 2002 s. 2)(3) In the case of a passenger who-
  (a) does not hold a Hong Kong identity card; but
  (b) is of the age of 18 or above,alcoholic liquor and tobacco referred to in subsection (1) shall be exempted from duty to the extent of-
  (i) one litre of alcoholic liquor; and
  (ii) 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grammes of other manufactured tobacco.






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