
来源:税屋 作者:税屋 人气: 时间:2021-04-26




  Dear taxpayers:

  We have sorted out ten common problems in the preparation process of related party transactions reporting and transfer pricing documentation; moreover, the frequently misfiled forms of related party transaction reporting are illustrated for you to better prepare the filings of related party transactions and transfer pricing documentation. Taxpayers are recommended to make online-filing of related party transactions reporting if the criteria have been met (please refer to Question 3 for the details) after completing the Annual Corporate Income Tax Filings for year 2020. During the reporting, taxpayers may refer to the appendix named .


  1. What are the tax law and policies applicable to the Reporting of Related Party Transactions and preparation of Transfer Pricing Documentation?


  A: (Public Notice of The State Taxation Administration [2016]42, hereinafter referred to as Notice No .42 of the STA) is issued by STA in June 2016, which requires eligible tax payer to fill (hereinafter referred to as< Forms for Related-Party Transactions >) before May 31. Taxpayers should complete the Annual Corporate Income Tax Filings before making the Reporting of Related Party Transactions.

  2. 企业不按规定进行关联申报有何法律责任?

  2. What are the legal liabilities in concern of failing to Report the Related Party Transactions?



  A:Article62 of states that: for the taxpayer not completing the tax declaration and not submitting the data of tax payments before the set deadline or the withholding agents not reporting the report forms of the withholding and remitting, collecting and remitting the taxation and relative documents to the tax authorities before the set deadline, the tax authorities shall order them to remedy before a deadline. The tax authorities may impose fines below RMB 2, 000 and in case of serious circumstances, between RMB 2, 000 and RMB 10, 000.

  Article 44 of < Corporate Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China> states that: where an Enterprise does not provide the information in relation to its related party transactions or it provides false and incomplete information which does not truly reflect its related party transaction situations, the tax authorities shall have the authority to deem its Taxable Income in accordance with the laws.


  3. What kind of enterprise is required to Report Related Party Transactions?





  A: The following enterprises shall report the Related Party Transactions:

  1) A tax resident enterprise which pays Corporate Income Tax according to its financial records and haves dealings with related parties during the filing year.

  2) A non-tax resident enterprise which has an establishment or a place of business in China and settles Corporate Income Tax based on its actual accounts and haves dealings with related parties during the filing year.

  3) Tax resident enterprises that prepare and submit the Country-by-Country Report according to the requirements of Article 5 of Notice No .42 of the STA, shall submit the < Information of Reporting Enterprise Form > of < Forms for Related-Party Transactions > and the 6 forms of Country-by-Country Report , even if they do not have dealings with related parties during the filing year.

  4. 《关联申报表》有哪些申报方式?

  4. What are the methods for the declaration of Forms for Related-Party Transactions?


  A: There are two ways for enterprise to make declaration of Related-Party Transactions: electronic tax bureau (e-Filing) and door-to-door declaration. In order to save your time, Taxpayers are encouraged to take the priority of electronic tax bureau (e-Filing) for declaration. It can also be processed through the electronic tax bureau, if submitted forms are needed to be corrected.


  5. What is the timing for enterprises to prepare the transfer pricing documentation?


  A: A master file shall be completed within 12 months of the fiscal year end of the ultimate holding company of the enterprise group; local file and special issue file shall be completed by 30 June of the year following the year during which the related party transactions occur.






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