
来源:税屋 作者:税屋 人气: 时间:2021-04-15



Respected taxpayer:


  To refine the filing of related party transactions, the Public Notice is hereby issued in accordance with the relevant provisions of “Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise Income Tax Law”) and its implementation regulations, and “The Tax Collection and Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” (Order No. 49 of the President of the People's Republic of China, hereinafter referred to as the “Tax Collection and Administration Law”) and its implementation regulations, and the Public Notice on Matters Regarding Refining the Filing of Related Party Transactions and Administration of Contemporaneous Transfer Pricing Documentation (Public Notice of the State Administration of Taxation [2016] 42, hereinafter referred to as “Notice 42”), and the Public Notice on Matters Regarding Clearly Filing Caliber of “People’s Republic of China Enterprise Annual Reporting Forms for Related-Party Transactions (2016 version)” (Public Notice of the State Administration of Taxation [2017] 26). The relevant matters are presented as follows:


  Reporting of Related Party Transactions


  Subject of Reporting of Related Party Transactions


  A tax resident enterprise that pays Enterprise Income Tax according to its financial records and a non-tax resident enterprise that has an establishment or a place of business in China and settles Corporate Income Tax based on its actual accounts, which meet one of the following two situations, shall report related party transactions:


  (i) Having business dealings with related parties during the year.


  (ii) Not having business dealings with related parties during the year but in compliance with Rule 5 of Notice 42 of submitting the Country-by-Country Report.


  Enterprises, which do not have business dealings with related parties during the year and do not meet the requirements for submitting the Country-by-Country Report, have no need to report related party transactions.


  Time of Reporting


  Taxpayers required should, at the time of submitting its annual Enterprise Income Tax return (i.e. before May 31), file “People’s Republic of China Enterprise Annual Reporting Forms for Related-Party Transactions”.


  Enterprises that encounter actual difficulties in filing the “Annual Reporting Forms for Related Party Transactions” on time as required may apply for an extension of time in accordance with relevant provisions of the Tax Collection and Administration Law and its implementation regulations.


  Content of Reporting


  “People’s Republic of China Enterprise Annual Reporting Forms for Related-Party Transactions (2016 version)” includes 22 attached tables and divided into three parts:


  (i) Basic information: including “Reporting Enterprise Information Form”, “People’s Republic of China Enterprise Annual Summary Forms for Related-Party Transactions” and “Association Form”, a total of three tables.


  (ii) Related party transactions information: including “Tangible Asset Ownership Transaction Form”, “Intangible Asset Ownership Transaction Form”, “Tangible Asset Use Right Transaction Form”, “Intangible Asset Use Right Transaction Form”, “Financial Asset Transaction Form”, “ Facility Funds Form”, “Related Labor Form”, “ Equity Investment Form”, “Cost Sharing Agreement Form”, “External Payments Form”, “Overseas Related Party Information Form”, “Annual Financial Status Analysis Form of Related Party Transactions (Reporting Information on Business Individual Statements)”, “ Annual Financial Status Analysis Form of Related Party Transactions (Reporting Information on Business Consolidated Statements)”, a total of 13 forms.


  (iii) The Country-by-Country Report: including “Country-by-Country Report-Income, Tax and Business Activity’s Country Distribution Form”, “Country-by-Country Report-Income, Tax and Business Activity’s Country Distribution Form (English)”, “Country-by-Country Report-Entity List of Members of Multinational Enterprise Groups Form”, “Country-by-Country Report-Entity List of Members of Multinational Enterprise Groups Form(English)”,“Country-by-Country Report-Additional Instruction Form”, “Country-by-Country Report-Additional Instruction Form(English)”, a total of 6 forms.


  How to Report


  In order to improve the quality and efficiency, it is recommended to declare through Zhejiang Provincial Electronic Tax Service, State Taxation Administration. The Electronic ways provide clear guidance and tips to help taxpayers complete declarations more conveniently, quickly and accurately.


  Zhejiang Provincial Electronic Tax Service, State Taxation Administration


  Log on the website of Zhejiang Provincial Electronic Tax Service, State Taxation Administration via the Internet, click “Tax Service”-“Declaration and Payment of Taxes and Fees”-“Regular Declaration”-“Enterprise Annual Reporting Forms for Related-Party Transactions” to enter this interface and make online declarations as required.




  (i) Taxpayers must complete annual Enterprise Income Tax return before they can report related party transactions. If there is no annual Enterprise Income Tax return record in the reporting period, the related party transactions report will not be available.


  (ii) “People’s Republic of China Enterprise Annual Reporting Forms for Related-Party Transactions” includes 22 forms. Apart from “Reporting Enterprise Information Form”, “People’s Republic of China Enterprise Annual Summary Forms for Related-Party Transactions” and “Association Form”, other forms are optional by the taxpayers according to the actual situation.


  (iii) Taxpayers are requested to log on the Zhejiang Provincial Electronic Tax Service as soon as possible to complete the related party transactions report in time, so as not to affect the declaration due to network congestion and other reasons near the deadline.









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