十进制修订[应课税品条例]令 1982年第189号法律公告

来源:税屋 作者:税屋 人气: 时间:1982-08-03
摘要:香港十进制修订[应课税品条例]令 1982年第189号法律公告 1982.8.3   第214D章 赋权条文   (第214章第3条)   [1982年8月3日](本为1982年第189号法律公告)   第214D章 第1条 引称...


1982年第189号法律公告                                                    1982.8.3

  第214D章 赋权条文

  第214D章 第1条 引称

  第214D章 第2条 一般禁止在文件内采用非十进制单位

  第214D章 第3条 可继续采用非十进制单位的情况

  第214D章 第4条 继续采用“吨位”

  第214D章 第5条 禁止十进制及非十进制单位两者并用

  第214D章 第6条 指明的成文法则的修订

  第214D章 第7条 保留条文

  第214D章 附表

  Cap 214D Empowering section
  (Cap 214 section 3)
  [3 August 1982]
  (L.N. 189 of 1982)

  Cap 214D para 1 Citation
  This order may be cited as the Metrication Amendments (Dutiable Commodities Ordinance) Order.
  Cap 214D para 2 General prohibition of use of non-metric units in documents
  Subject to paragraphs 3 and 4, the use of non-metric units in documents submitted under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) on or after the commencement of this order is prohibited.

  Cap 214D para 3 Circumstances in which non-metric units may continue to be used
  Non-metric units shall continue to be used in documents submitted under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) until 1 January 1983-
  (a) where such documents constitute amendments to, or otherwise relate to, other documents in which non-metric units have been used; and
  (b) where such other documents were submitted before the commencement of this order, unless such other documents were resubmitted incorporating the use of metric terms in place of the non-metric terms previously used.

  Cap 214D para 4 Continued use of "tonnage"
  References to the gross tonnage or register tonnage of any ship determined in accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Tonnage) Regulations (Cap 415 sub. leg.) may continue to be used in documents submitted under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) on and after the commencement of this order.

  Cap 214D para 5 Prohibition of the use of metric units and non-metric units together
  No document shall be submitted under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) containing references to both metric and non-metric units.

  Cap 214D para 6 Amendment of specified enactments
  Without prejudice to the paragraph 3, 4, or 7, each of the enactments specified in the first column of the Schedule is amended by deleting the expression specified in the second column in relation to that enactment, and substituting for each expression so deleted the expression, if any, opposite to it in the third column.

  Cap 214D para 7 Saving
  In respect of any premises or equipment which on the commencement of this order is included in any licence, permit or other authority granted under an enactment specified in the first column of the Schedule, or in any application for such, the references specified in the second column shall continue to apply as if they had not been affected by this order so long as the licence, permit or other authority in which it is or becomes included, or any renewal thereof, remains in force.

  [paragraphs 6 & 7]
  (Amendments incorporated)






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