我国税收制度设计遵循以下原则: 公平原则。税收公平原则,是指政府征税要使不同纳税人承受的税收负担与其经济状况相适应,并使各个纳税人之间的负担水平保持均衡。税收公平原则有横向公平和纵向公平两层含义。横向公平,即相同经济条件的纳税人承担等量税收。纵向公平,即不同纳税能力的纳税人承担不同的税收,纳税能力强者多纳税,纳税能力弱者少纳税,无纳税能力者不纳税。 效率原则。税收的效率原则要求政府征税活动一方面要有利于资源的有效配置,促进经济行为的合理化和社会经济效率的提高,或者对经济效率的不利影响最小;另一方面要以尽可能小的税收成本来取得税收收入,即税务机关的征收费用和纳税人的纳税费用最小化。 适度原则。在税收制度设计中,社会整体税收负担的确定,要充分考虑国民经济发展状况和纳税人负担能力,既能基本满足国家的财政需要,又不能使税负太重影响到经济发展与人民生活。 The principle of taxation is not only the guiding ideology for designing and implementing the tax system,but the benchmark for assessing the quality of the tax system and the tax administration. In the light of the taxpayers' ways of conduct,the tax compliance theory studies the mechanism in the tax administration and the impact of various factors on the taxpayers' behaviors of compliance. The theory provides a scientific basis for setting up an effective tax administration mechanism. Efficiency principles of taxation include the scale efficiency principle of taxation, the economic efficiency principle of taxation, the administrative efficiency principle of taxaion and the social ecological efficiency of taxation. These principles reflect the objective laws of taxation. So the institution of tax policy and the design of tax system should be reflected there four aspects. There are still some problems in our current tax system in contrast with there four principles. The principles of simplicity and transparence have vital importance in the tax system. There are more advantages than disadvantages for the government and the tax payers, or for the whole society. The complexity of existing tax system mainly derives from the government's goodwill and policy intention with which to seek the tax fairness and promote economic development. Something has to be done to know what kind of complexity can be avoided and what kind of complexity cannot. Thus we can know what should be ... |