中国签署《转让定价国别报告多边主管当局间协议》 议签署国已达39个

来源:国家税务总局 作者:国家税务总局 人气: 时间:2016-05-13
摘要:中国签署多边税收协议 2016 年 05 月 12 日 国家税务总局办公厅 图为 中国、加拿大、印度、以色列、新西兰税务局长签署《转让定价国别报告多边主管当局间协议》 5 月12 日,中国国家税务总局局长王军与加拿大、印度、以色列和新西兰税务局长一起签署了 《转

The package was the result of more than two years of discussion involving all OECD and G20 countries, as well as more than a dozen developing countries. Following endorsement of the BEPS measures, the focus has shifted to designing and putting in place an inclusive framework for monitoring BEPS and supporting implementation of the measures, with all interested countries and jurisdictions invited to participate on an equal footing.

BEPS implementation is a key subject of discussion during the meeting of the Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) in Beijing, which has drawn high-level tax officials from more than 50 countries and international organisations.

Beyond the MCAA signing ceremony Israel and the Russian Federation joined the 80 current signatories to the CRS Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement ("CRS MCAA"), the key international framework agreement for putting in place the automatic exchange on offshore financial accounts foreseen by the OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS).

For more information about the Country-By-Country Reporting MCAA, see:

Media queries should be directed to Pascal Saint-Amans, Director of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (+33 6 26 30 49 23), Achim Pross, Head of the International Co-operation and Tax Administration Division (+33 6 21 63 27 67) or the OECD Media Office (+33 1 45 24 97 00). 


1. Australia澳大利亚

2. Austria奥地利

3. Belgium比利时

4. Bermuda百慕大

5. Canada加拿大

6. Chile智利

7. Costa Rica哥斯达黎加

8. Czech Republic捷克共和国

9. Denmark丹麦

10. Estonia爱沙尼亚共和国

11. Finland芬兰

12. France法国

13. Germany德国

14. Greece希腊

15. Iceland冰岛

16. India印度

17. Ireland爱尔兰

18. Israel以色列

19. Italy意大利

20. Japan日本

21. Liechtenstein列支敦士登

22. Luxembourg卢森堡

23. Malaysia马来西亚

24. Mexico墨西哥

25. Netherlands荷兰

26. New Zealand新西兰

27. Nigeria尼日利亚

28. Norway挪威

29. People's Republic of China中国

30. Poland波兰

31. Portugal葡萄牙

32. Senegal塞内加尔

33. Slovak Republic斯洛伐克人

34. Slovenia斯洛文尼亚

35. South Africa南非

36. Spain西班牙

37. Sweden瑞典

38. Switzerland瑞士

39. United Kingdom英国






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